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If you are interested in having a piece commissioned, you may do so by filling out the form below. 

We will work with you to create a Kristian Somera original. Together, we can collaborate on the piece that you will be needing for your space. You may provide swatches of paint, textiles, measurements, wall finishes and photos of surrounding areas to ensure a smooth and harmonious collaboration. With my background in space design, I am adept at incorporating my signature style into interior projects. 


- We prioritize large-scale pieces and multiple-piece applications. 

- Commissioned projects have a 40,000 PhP minimum.

- You can expect a 3-month (maximum) turnaround once your application moves forward.

**Note: Due to a high volume of requests, not all applications will be guaranteed a slot.

Please fill out the application below:

Thanks! We’ll send you a price quote shortly.

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